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«Dear friend, I gather the last shadows, the last lights, before my sight leaves me completely. As long as I have strength, I will continue to travel and write to you. Who knows what awaits me beyond the darkness». Are these words, that open La Force (aka The Force, in the Major Arcana of the Tarot), addressed to me (to us)? Or are we “merely” accidental witnesses/spectators to a video letter correspondence (reminiscent of Sandor Krasna’s in Chris Marker’s Sans soleil) whose sender and recipient are unknown?

Whatever our role in this correspondence is, we cannot remain indifferent to the intensity of images and words. Smoky, blurred, saturated-colored images of an India that appears to us more dreamed than seen, reflected in a distorted mirror. And words which never occupy the space of the discourse “obstructing it,” they rather creep into images, producing melancholic, poetic sparks. (Matteo Marelli)


Alberto Baroni


August 8, 2022

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